
A Must Read

      Reading is such an important thing to me and it always has been. I love books more than I probably should! My collection is large and my to read pile is ever growing. There are some books you are not able to put down and this is one of them! I am not a huge mystery book fan but this one brought me in and I was constantly guessing the whole time I was reading it. The ending was nothing like I expected, there was moments of holding my breath, telling myself not to read ahead and just let the story happen :) The romance side of the story was perfectly put into the story amid the danger and suspense. If you love to read, even if you don't really care for mystery, I can guarantee you, you will enjoy this book! Please read it and let me know what you think!  Momma Toy
  For all you moms out there that are always looking for cute clothes, Target had this adorable skirt for just $15.00. I know $15.00 for a piece of clothing seems expensive but when its almost impossible to find clothing for a girl with no hips, elastic waist skirts are the way to go. We can rarely find skirts that fit right, are long enough and are comfortable for her to wear. Most of the time the buttons dig into her tummy and it irritates her. Here is the link: Happy weekend everyone! The Toys Story
    Well, I am very good at keeping up with a blog as you can tell. I had forgotten what the name of my website was and if I ever started it. If that is telling you anything about my life in 2020, well...I'm going to try this again! With Christmas approaching I am wanting to share our fun experiences and just talk about life. We all feel shut in our houses at times I'm sure, life is stressful, but I would like to do some encouraging posts, show you some fun things to do, and just go from there. Let me know if there is anything you'd be interested in seeing or learning more about!! I'm off to bed as it is too late (or early). I am taking my daughter to school and must be up early! Talk soon! (If I can remember my blog!!) Just kidding! Signing off!

Trying something new

I am a talker as everyone knows so I figured,  why not try to blog or vlog and see what happens.  I have lots to talk about and I'm working on what I'll be sharing!!! My kids will make videos, we will make recipes, showing special spots we go to, information about Columbus or the different places we go...Im not sure how this will work but im going to give it a go so follow me!!! The Toy family